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Leland G. Johnson
Wm C. Brown, c1987

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Advanced biology

Colin Clegg
Pan Study Aids, 1987

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Illustrated human and social biology for Hong Kong

B.S. Beckett
Oxford, 1987

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Understanding biology for advanced level

Glenn Toole and Susan Toole
Hutchinson, c1987

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六足王國 : 昆蟲的世界

幼獅文化, 1987

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山邊社, 1987

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Common plants of woodlands

Michael Quigley, Norman Copland
Basil Blackwell, c1987

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Fit for life II

Harvey Diamond
Warner, 1987

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Genes III

Benjamin Lawin
John Wiley & Sons, c1987

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Introduction to biotechnology

C.M. Brown, I. Campbell, F.G. Priest
ELBS, c1987

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Looking at insects

David Suzuki
Warner Books, 1987

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雅苑, 1987

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College