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Relational Databases

Barry Eaglestone
Stanley Thornes, 1991

館藏地 索書號 現狀

Understanding computer science for advanced level

Ray Bradley
2nd edition.. Stanley Thornes, 1991

館藏地 索書號 現狀


商務, 1991

館藏地 索書號 現狀

80486 Programming

by Penn Brumm, Don Brumm and Leo J. Scanlon
Winderest, c1991

館藏地 索書號 現狀

Comparative Programming Languages

by Linda Weiser Friedman
Prentice-Hall International, c1991

館藏地 索書號 現狀

Introduction to systems analysis and design

by L.T. Hawryszkiewyez
Prentice-Hall International, c1991

館藏地 索書號 現狀

Artificial intelligence

Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight
2nd ed.. McGraw-Hill, 1991

館藏地 索書號 現狀

TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College