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Advanced English practice

by B.D. Graver
Oxford University Press, 1990

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Common errors in spoken English

John Platt
Commercial, 1990

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Common errors in spoken English

John Platt
Commercial, 1990

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Correct usage in written English (Book 2)

Nigel D. Turton
Commercial, 1990

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English grammar

Collins Cobuild, 1990

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English idioms : exercises on idioms

Jennifer Seidl
Oxford University Press, 1990

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English idioms : exercises on idioms

by Jennifer Seidi
Oxford University Press, 1990

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English problem words

George Jenkins
Commercial, 1990

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Oxford pocket English grammar

A.J. Thomson
OUP, 1990

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Using English grammar : meaning and form

Edward G. Woods, Nicole McLeod
Prentice Hall, 1990

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Agnes the sheep

by William Taylor
Scholastic, 1990

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Beware! Beware!

by Joan Richardson
Heinemann, 1990

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Getting Students to Talk

by Aleksandra Gotebiowska
Prentice Hall, 1990

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Think about it tomorrow, Snoopy

Charles M. Schulz
Coronet Books, 1990

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Practise your tenses

Donald Adamson
Longman, 1990

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Practise your modeal verbs

Mike Watkins
Longman, 1990

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Practise your prepositions

L.L. Keane
Longman, 1990

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Test your prepositions

Peter Watcyn-Jones, Jake Allsop
Penguin, 1990

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Practise your comparatives

D' Arcy Adrian-Vallbure
Longman, 1990

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Test your vocabulary (4)

Peter Watcyn-Jones
Penguin, 1990

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College