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A handbook of English

T.C. Lai
Commercial, 1992

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New memo for cert. english exam

Eddie Yau
Ultimate, 1992

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Jane Austen
Oxford, 1992

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Treasure Island

Robert Louis Stevenson
Oxford, 1992

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Alice’s adventures in wonderland

Lewis Carroll
Oxford, 1992

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The adventures of Tom Sawyer

Mark Twain
Oxford, 1992

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Oliver Twist

Charles Dickens
Oxford, 1992

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A christmas carol

Charles Dickens
Oxford, 1992

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The jungle book

Rudyard Kipling
Oxford, 1992

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Tales of crime and detection

David Foulds
Oxford, 1992

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Wuthering Heights

Emily Bronte
Oxford, 1992

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The tales from Arabian nights

edited by David Foulds
Oxford, 1992

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Gulliver’s travels a voyage to Lilliput

Jonathan Swift
Oxford, 1992

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The mill on the floss

George Eliot
Oxford, 1992

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The dagger and wings and other Father Brown stories

G.K. Chesterton
Oxford, 1992

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You only live twice

Ian Fleming
Oxford, 1992

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A night of terror and other strange tales

Guy de Maupassant
Oxford, 1992

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Seven Stories

H.G. Wells
Oxford, 1992

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Two boxes of gold and other stories

Charles Dickens
Oxford, 1992

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Tales of mystery and imagination

Edgar Allan Poe
Oxford, 1992

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College