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Little women

Louisa M. Alcott
Oxford, 1999

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Two hundred mini-compositions to increase word power

D. Yeung, T. Luk
Hong Kong Educational, 1999

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Ernestine & Amanda : summer camp ready or not!

Sandra Belton
Aladdin, 19998

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Frances Mary Hendry
OUP, 1999

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Roswell high : the seeker

Melinda Metz
Pocket Books, 1999

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The journey of Allen Strange : invasion

Diana G. Gallagher
Pocket Books, 1999

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Taste and other tales

Roald Dahl
Pearson Education, 1999

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Sherlock Holmes short stories

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Pearson Education, 1999

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The accidental tourist

Anne Tyler
Pearson Education, 1999

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Pride and Prejudice

Jane Austen
Pearson, 1999

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Classic fairy tales

from Hans Christian Andersen and the Brothers Grimm; illustrated by Cathie Shuttleworth; retold by Nicola Baxter
Armadillo Books, c1999

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Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban

J.K. Rowling
Raincoast, 1999

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Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets

J.K. Rowling
Raincoast, 1999

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Hannah and the Angels : saving Uncle Sean

by Linda Lowery Keep
Random House, 1999

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Hannah and the Angels : Mardi Gras mix-up

by Linda Lowery Keep
Random House, 1999

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The thorn birds

Colleen McCullough
Pearson, 1999

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Daphne Du Maurier
Pearson, 1999

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Toy story 2

a junior novel by Leslie Godman
Disney, 1999

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I was a sixth grade alien : I lost my grandfater’s Brain

Bruce Coville
Pocket Books, 1999

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Rebels against slavery : american slave revolts

Patricia, C. McKissack
Scholastic , 1999

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College