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I’ve got your number

Sophie Kinsella
Black Swan, c2012

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Snow White & the huntsman

a novel by Lily Blake
Poppy, 2012

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The fault in our stars

John Green
Dutton Books, c2012

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A street cat named Bob

James Bowen
Hodder & Stroughton, c2012

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Gentus ideas (mostly)

Liz Pichon
Scholastic Children's Book, c2012

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Emma, smile and sky 「cupcake!」

by Coco Simon
Simon Spotlight, c2012

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Alexis cool as a cupcake

by Coco Simon
Simon Spotlight, c2012

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Who Was Roald Dahl?

by True Kelley ; illustrated by Stephen Marchesi
Penguin Workshop, 2012

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The Song of Achilles

Madeline Miller
HarperCollins Books, 2012

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College