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The hamlyn Children’s History of the World

Leonard Cottrell
Hamlyn, [n.d.]

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HKCEE history 1815-1919 multiple choice questions

Kinson Leo
Educational Publishing House, 1991

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The Usborne first history book

Jane Chisholm and Robyn Gee
Usborne, 19--

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A class-book of the history of South-East, South & East Asia

Preston-Times, 1987

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An illustrated History of Modern Europe 1789-1945

Denis Richard
Longmans, [n.d.]

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Mastering modern world history

N. Lowe
Macmillan, c1982

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Modern Asian History

K.Y. Chang
Goodman, [n.d.]

館藏地 索書號 現狀

Modern Asian History

K.Y. Chang
Goodman, [n.d.]

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Modern British & European history

R. Maples
Charles Letts, 19--

館藏地 索書號 現狀

Modern British & European History

R. Maples
Charles Letts, [n.d.]

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The Longman handbook of modern European history 1763-1985

Chris Cook and John Stevenson
Longman, c1987

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Modern European History Made Simple

K. Perry
A Howard Shydham, [n.d.]

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Modern History

Marcel Ducan
Hamlyn, [n.d.]

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Modern History

David Weigall
Charles Letts, [n.d.]

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Modern History of Japan 2nd edition

W.G. Beasley
Weidenfeld's Nicholson, [n.d.]

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The modern History of Japan

W.G. Beasley
Weidenfeld and Nicolson, [n.d.]

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Multiple Choice Exercise in World History 1815-1919

F. Granville
Chiu Ming, [n.d.]

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Multiple Choice Exercises in World History (1815-1919)

E. Granville
Chiu Ming, [n.d.]

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Multiple choice exercises in world history 1815-1919

E. Granville
Chiu Ming, c1987

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Multiple Choice Tests in History East Asia 1793-1954

Kam Sun Hon
Greenwood, [n.d.]

館藏地 索書號 現狀

TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College