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What about history

Brian Williams
Miles Kelly Publishing, 2004

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Great stories from history 365 for everyday of the year

W. B. Marsh & Bruce Carrick
Icon Books, 2004

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Napoleon, France and Europe

Andrina Stiles and Dylan Rees
Hodder & Stoughton, 2004

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理察.皮佩斯 (Richard Pipes)著 ; 蔡東杰譯
左岸文化, 2004

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安東尼.派格登 (Anthony Pagden)著 ; 徐鵬博譯
左岸文化, 2004

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文藝復興 : 從黑暗中誕生的黃金年代

保羅.約翰遜 (Paul Johnson)著 ; 譚鍾瑜譯
左岸文化, 2004

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世界歷史驚人之謎 : 讓人大惑不解的文明奇蹟

Charles Northern Kenya著 ; 黃語忻譯
普天, 2004

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21世紀研究會編 ;李尚霖譯
時報出版, 2004

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桐生操著 ; 謝琪瑛譯
究竟, 2004

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知書房, 2004

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Who was Mark Twain?

by April Jones Prince ; illustrated by John O'Brien
Grosset & Dunlap, c2004

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平生道路九羊腸 : 香港老照片(五)

天地圖書, 2004

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文字/攝影蔚彥 ; 插畫Garros
未來文化, 2004

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Seven wonders of the ancient world

Mary Hoffman ; illustrated by M.P. Robertson
Frances Lincolin Limited , 2004

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Helen Keller

Leslie Garrett
DK Publishing, 2004

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1000 things you should know about myths & legends

Vic Parker
Miles Kelly 2004

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100 things you should know about explorers

Dan North
Miles Kelly 2004

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Post impression : 100 years of the South China Morning Post

Kevin Sinclair
South China Morning Post, 2004

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石點頭 : 鍾逸傑回憶錄

[鍾逸傑] ; 陶傑譯
香港大學出版社, 2004

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Who was Ferdinand Magellan?

by Sydelle Kramer ; illustrated by Elizabeth Wolf
Grosset & Dunlap, 2004

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College