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Gutenberg’s Bible

Jason Carter
First edition.. Britannica Educational Publishing in association with Rosen Educational Services, 2017

館藏地 索書號 現狀

為了活下去 : 脫北女孩朴研美

朴研美(Yeonmi Park)著 ; 謝佩妏譯
大塊文化出版股份有限公司, 2017

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請帶我穿越這片海洋 : 記敘利亞, 伊拉克, 阿富汗, 北非難民, 以及跨地中海的悲劇航程

卡里姆{????}埃爾-高哈利(Karim El-Gawhary), 瑪蒂爾德{????}施瓦本德(Mathilde Schwabeneder)著 ; 彭意梅, 張詠欣譯
漫遊者文化事業股份有限公司, 2017

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Kensuke’s Kingdom

Michael Morpirgo ; illustrated by Michael Foreman
Egmont, 2017

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Michael Morpirgo
Egmont, 2017

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楓樹坊文化, 2017

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玉山社 , 2017

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孤單又燦爛的神 : 鬼怪1

金銀淑著,金珠蓮著 ; 游芯歆譯
INK印刻文學 , 2017

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孤單又燦爛的神 : 鬼怪 2

金銀淑著,金珠蓮著 ; 游芯歆譯
INK印刻文學 , 2017

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Apollo 11 moon landing: an interactive space exploration adventure

by Thomas K Adamson
Capstone Press, c2017

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International Space Station: an interactive space exploration adventure

by Allison Lassieur
Capstone Press, c2017

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Space race: an interactive space exploration adventure

by Rebecca Stefoff
Capstone Press, c2017

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Mars exploration rovers: an interactive space exploration adventure

by Steve Kortenkamp
Capstone Press, c2017

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The disappearing fruit: an interactive mystery adventure

by Steve Brezenoff ; illustrated by Marcos Calo
Capstone, c2017

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The missing bully: an interactive mystery adventure

by Steve Brezenoff ; illustrated by Marcos Calo
Capstone, c2017

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The carnival caper: an interactive mystery adventure

by Steve Brezenoff ; illustrated by Marcos Calo
Capstone, c2017

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The outlaw from outer space: an interactive mystery adventure

by Steve Brezenoff ; illustrated by Marcos Calo
Capstone, c2017

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湊佳苗著 ; 王蘊潔譯
皇冠, 2017

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一千個裸體陌生人 : 看盡生死的孤寂與瘋狂,救護車的邊緣急救紀事

凱文.哈札德(Kevin Hazzard)著 ; 高子梅譯
臉譜, 2017

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映[畫]監督是枝裕和 ; 張秋明譯
臉譜出版 2017

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College