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What every teacher should know about : classroom management and discipline

Donna Walker Tileston
Corwin Press, 2003

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A S Hornby(霍恩比)
Oxford University Press, 2004

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Cambridge advanced learner’s dictionary

Cambridge University Press, 2003

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The school administrator’s complete letter book

compiled and edited by Gerald Tomlinson
Jossey-Bass, 2003

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Effective classroom management : models and strategies for today’s classrooms

Carlette Jackson Hardin
Pearsona, 2004

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A gift to my children : a father’s lessons for life and investing

Jim Rogers
Random House, 2009

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The Basic Law of the Hong Kong : Special administrative region of the people’s republic of China.

Hong Kong Special Adminstrative Region Government, 2006

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The Basic Law of the Hong Kong : Special administrative region of the people’s republic of China.

Hong Kong Special Adminstrative Region Government, 2006

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The theory of share tenancy

Steven N.S. Cheung
Arcadia Press, 2000

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莫禮時著 ; 陳嘉琪, 溫霈國譯
香港大學出版社, 2000

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普通話粵音 : 商務新詞典縮印本

商務印書館 , 2004

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三聯 , 2004

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心智圖法實務運用 2 Mind Mapping 心智圖考試高手篇 : 多元知識管理系統 4

東尼{????}布贊 (Buzan Tony)著 ; 孫易新, 陳資壁合譯
耶魯國際文化, 2004

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Cambridge English pronouncing dictionary

Daniel Jones
Cambridge University Press, 2003

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The key elements of classroom management

Joyce Mcleod, Jan Fisher, Ginny Hoover
ASCD, 2003

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Effective teaching methods

Gary D. Borich
Pearson, 2003

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Gardening in the minefield

Laurel Schmidt
Heinemann, 2003

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Opportunities and options in : classroom management

Patricla B. Kyle, Lawrence R. Rogien
Pearson, 2004

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Classroom management that works

Robert J. Marzano
ASCD, 2003

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School leadership & administration

Petra E. Snowden
Mc Graw Hill, 2004

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College