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What every teacher should know about : classroom management and discipline

Donna Walker Tileston
Corwin Press, 2003

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A S Hornby(霍恩比)
Oxford University Press, 2004

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統整課程發展 : 協同合作取反向

Dorothy M. Campbell and Linda S. Harris 著 ; 譯者徐愛婷 ... [et. al.]
心理, 2002

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飲食全球化 : 跟麥當勞深入東亞街頭

Watson L. James主編
早安財經文化, 2007

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Cambridge advanced learner’s dictionary

Cambridge University Press, 2003

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The school administrator’s complete letter book

compiled and edited by Gerald Tomlinson
Jossey-Bass, 2003

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Effective classroom management : models and strategies for today’s classrooms

Carlette Jackson Hardin
Pearsona, 2004

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張五常(Steven N. S. Cheung)著{????}張五常譯
花千樹, 2008

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上書局, 2008

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George S. Clason著; 劉靄儀譯
天窗出版社, 2009

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A gift to my children : a father’s lessons for life and investing

Jim Rogers
Random House, 2009

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The Basic Law of the Hong Kong : Special administrative region of the people’s republic of China.

Hong Kong Special Adminstrative Region Government, 2006

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The Basic Law of the Hong Kong : Special administrative region of the people’s republic of China.

Hong Kong Special Adminstrative Region Government, 2006

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The theory of share tenancy

Steven N.S. Cheung
Arcadia Press, 2000

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正義 : 一場思辨之旅

邁可{????}桑德爾(Michael J. Sandel) ; 樂為良譯
雅言文化, 2011

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2010大崩壞 : 更大一波的蕭條即將來襲!

哈利{????}鄧特二世(Harry S. Dent)著 ; 陳琇玲譯
商周出版, 2009

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鄉土香港 : 新界的政治、性別及禮儀

華琛(James L. Watson), 華若璧(Rubie S. Watson)著 ; 張婉麗, 盛思維譯
中文大學出版社, 2011

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保羅{????}克里斯多夫(Paul Christopher)著 ; 邵正芳, 王彥華譯
普天出版社, 2011

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保羅{????}法塞拉(Paul Facella), 安狄娜{????}吉恩(Adina Genn)著 ; 洪世民譯
普羅圖書公司, 2009

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教育評議會 : 香港理工大學應用社會科學系, 2001

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College