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What’s biology all about?

Hazel Maskell
Usborne Published Ltd., 2009

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三悅文化圖書, 2009

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The human body : cells, tissues, and skin

Douglas B. Light
Infobase Publishing, 2009

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The human body : the respiratory system

Susan Whittemore
Infobase Publishing, 2009

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The human body : digestion and nutrition

Robert Sullivan
Infobase Publishing, 2009

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Evolution revolution

Robert Winston
Dorling Kingdersley Limited, 2009

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原著Richard A. Harvey, Pamela C. Champe, Bruce D. Fisher; 譯者蕭明裕, 張懿欣, 嵇達德, 詹家琮
合記圖書出版, 2009

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無孔不入經皮毒 : 防禦疾病, 從保護皮膚開始

竹內久米司, 稻津教久著 ; 鄭維欣譯
時報文化出版, 2009

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小生命 : 大腸桿菌解開生命之謎

Carl Zimmer著 ; 潘震澤譯
時報文化出版, 2009

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從心血管開始, 向疾病說不 : 世界15項醫學大奬得主的健康建議

瓦倫汀.福斯岱爾 Valentin Fuster, 荷西夫.寇培亞 Joesp Corbella著 ; 葉淑吟譯
如何出版, 2009

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土屋純, 國井鏡, 菊池弘明編 ; 李華明譯
合記出版, 2009

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蛋白質的一生 : 認識生命科學的第一本書

永田和宏著 ; 陳嫻若譯
商周出版, 2009

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What makes me me?

Robert Winston
Dorling Kingdersley Limited, 2009

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科學實驗王 : 基因與遺傳

Gomdori co.著 ; 徐月珠譯
三采文化, 2009

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Human development : the human body

Ted Zerucha
Infobase Publishing, 2009

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Life cycle

Richard Spilsbury
Wayland, 2009

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Food relationship and webs

Carol Ballard
Wayland, 2009

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Cells and cell function

Carol Ballard
Wayland, 2009

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Animal variation and classification

Richard Spilsbury
Wayland, 2009

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Adaptation and survival

Richard Spilsbury
Wayland, 2009

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College