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Chemistry (paper 4) : alternative to practical : 1994-2008

Redspot Publishing
Redspot, 2009

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Carbon chemistry

Krista West
Chelsea House, 2009

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Earth chemistry

Allan B. Cobb
Chelsea House, 2009

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(Pure) Chemistry : 1997-2008 GCE O Level worked solutions

Redspot Publishing
Redspot, 2009

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The Earth cries out : forensic chemistry and environmental science

Kenneth Mclntosh
Mason Crest, 2009

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What’s chemistry all about?

Alex Frith and Lisa Jane Gillespie
Usborne House, 2009

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Chemical bonds

Phillip Manning
Chelsea House, 2009

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The elements : a visual exploration of every known atom in the Universe

Photographs by Theodore Glay and Nick Mann
Black Dog, 2009

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Theo Gray’s mad science : experiments you can do at home-but probably shouldn’t

Theodore Gray
Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers, Inc., c2009

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College