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The course of German history

A.J.P. Taylor
Routledge, 1961

館藏地 索書號 現狀


Chong Seck-Chim
Oxford University Press, c1961

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Christopher Columbus

L. Du Garde Peach
Ladybird Books, c1961

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The end of the Russian empire

Michael T. Florinsky
Collier Books, c1961

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The first World War

by R.R. Sellman
Methuen, c1961

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Foundations of American constitutionalism

by Andrew C. McLaughlin
Fawcett, c1961

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Joan of Arc : self-portrait

compiled and translated by Willard Trask
Collier Book, 1961

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The modern world

Muzaffar D.J. Tate
Oxford University Press, c1961

館藏地 索書號 現狀

TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College