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The history of Bangkok

by Abha Bhamorabutr
Bangkok Bicentennial Celebration, 1982

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History, social and economcis : 1815-1951 : passbooks

M.C. James and L.E. James
Charles LettsBooks, 1982

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Aspects of European history 1789-1980

Stephen J. Lee
Routledge, c1982

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Mastering modern world history

N. Lowe
Macmillan, c1982

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Mastering modern world history

Norman Lowe
Palgrave Macmillan , 1982

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Ancient China

by Michael Gibson
Granada, 1982

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Ancient Egypt

by Anne Millard
Granada, 1982

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Ancient Rome

by David and Bridget Trump
Granada, 1982

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Aspects of European histiry 1789-1980

Stephen J. Lee
Methuen, c1982

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Darwin for beginners

Jonathan Miller
Writers and Readers, c1982

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Pope John Paul II : his life and work a pictorial record

George Bull
Purnell Books, c1982

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College