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Virtual history : alternatives and counterfactuals

edited by Niall Ferguson
Papermac, 1998

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China in transformation 1900-1949

Colin Mackerras
Longman, 1998

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Hitler and Nazi Germany

Stephen J. Lee
Routledge, 1998

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The People’s Republic of China since 1949

Michael Lynch
Hodder & Stoughton, 1998

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Revolutions, 1789-1917

Allan Todd
Cambridge, 1998

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The lost diary of Hercule’s personal trainer

discovered by Steve Barlow abd Steve Skidmore
Collins, 1998

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Nationalism in Europe, 1789-1945

Timothy Baycroft
Cambridge, 1998

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The Medieval world

Bea Stimpson
Stanley Thornes, 1998

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The lost diary Of Queen Victoria’s undermaid

found by Alex Parsons
Collins, 1998

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Captain Cook & his exploration of the Pacific

Roger Morriss
Barron's Educational Series, 1998

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The seven wonders of the ancient world

by Hans Reichardt
Tessloff, 1998

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三聯, 1998

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戴維, 史彭斯著 ; 蘇福忠譯
三聯,/ 1998

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星島日報, 1998

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Anne Frank

Sandra Woodcock
Hodder & Stoughton, 1998

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Nelson Mandela

Iris Howden
Hodder & Stoughton, 1998

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The frightful first world war

by Terry Deary
Hippo, 1998

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Knights & castles

Avery Hart & Paul Mantell
Williamson Publishing, 1998

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The genius of China

Robert Temple
Prion, 1998

館藏地 索書號 現狀

TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College