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The cartoon history of the modern world : part I : from Columbus to the U.S. constitution

Larry Gonick
Harper, c2007

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The unification of Germany 1815-1919

Alan Farmer and Andrina Stiles
Hodder Murray, 2007

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香港 1840-1997 : 大英帝國殖民時代的終結

珍{????}莫里斯(Jan Morris)著 ; 黃芳田譯
馬可孛羅文化, 2007

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China’s new culture of cool : understanding the world’s fastest-growing market

Lianne Yu, Cynthia Chan, Christopher Ireland
New Riders, 2007

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威爾{????}杜蘭(Durant Will)著 ; 廖月娟譯
立緒文化, 2007

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五南圖書, 2007

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廣場的故事 : 曝現時代大舞臺背後的歷史眞相

世潮, 2007

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城堡的故事 : 秘密世界的永恆詩篇

世潮, 2007

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埃及,是這樣是那樣 : 漫畫埃及的秘密

芝崎(Miyuki Shibasaki)著 ; 許晴舒譯
如果, 2007

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蘿拉{????}李(Laura Lee)著 ; 繆靜芬, 黃柏瑄譯
究竟, 2007

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海鴿文化, 2007

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Ancient Greece

Anna ClaybourneAnna
Raintree, 2007

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Ancient Egypt

Liz Gogerly
Raintree, 2007

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The Islamic Empires

Louise and Richard Spilsbury
Raintree, 2007

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Ancient Rome

John Malam
Raintree, 2007

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終結貧窮 : 如何在我們有生之年做到

傑佛瑞{????}薩克斯(Jeffery D. Sachs)著 ; 鐵人雍譯
臉譜出版, 2007

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漫畫歷史1000年 (革新版)

漢湘文化事業, 2007

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Egypt : rediscovering a lost world

writers, Ferdinand Fairfax, Tony Mulholland, Jonatan Rich
BBC : Deltamac [distributor], c2007

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The Wright brothers : first in flight

Tara Dixon-Engel and Mike Jackson
Sterling, 2007

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Who was Elvis Presley?

by Geoff Edgers ; illustrated by John O'Brien
Grosset & Dunlap, 2007

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College