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The conquest of the ocean : the illustrated history of seafaring

Brian Lavery
Dorling Kindersley, c2013

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The infographic history of the world

Valentina D'Efilippo and James Ball
Collins, c2013

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彩色香港 : 1940s-1960s

高添强, 黎健强著
三聯書店, c2013

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美荷樓記 : 屋邨歲月, 鄰里之情

張帝莊作 ; 香港青年旅舍協會策劃
三聯書店, c2013

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Alternate histories of the world

Matthew Buchholz
A Perigee Book, c2013

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Tudors & stuarts

written by Brian and Brenda Williams ; main illustrations by Carlo Molinari ; cartoon illustrations by Clive Goodyer
Ladybird Books, 2013

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Second World War

written by Simon Adams ; main illustrations by Nick Hardcastle ; cartoon illustrations by Clive Goodyer
Ladybird Books, 2013

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First World War

written by Brian Williams ; main illustrations by Nick Hardcastle ; cartoon illustrations by Clive Goodyer
Ladybird Books, 2013

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The vikings

written by Jane Bingham ; main illustrations by Seb Camagajevac ; cartoon illustrations by Peter Lubach
Ladybird Books, 2013

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Ancient Egyptians

written by Brian and Brenda Williams ; main illustrations by Emmanuel Cerisier ; cartoon illustrations by Clive Goodyer
Ladybird Books, 2013

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楊欣倫, 李清課主編
人類智庳, 2013

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彭順口述 ; 張施源撰文
香港中和出版, c2013

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阪本浩著 ; 黃秋鳳譯
易博士文化, 2013

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三聯書店, c2013

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圖解古埃及文明 : 這樣認識古埃及眞有趣

近藤二郎著 ; 張秋明譯
商周出版, 2013

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Mozart : the boy who changed the world with his music

Marcus Weeks
National Geographic, 2013

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College