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History, social and economcis : 1815-1951 : multiple choice

S.E. Haworth and M.C. James
Charles Letts, 1983

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History, social and economcis : 1815-1951 : passbooks

M.C. James and L.E. James
Charles LettsBooks, 1982

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History : HKCEE 85-96

Leo C.F. Leung
Yih Mei Book, 1996

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GCSE modern world history

Ben Walsh
John Murray, 2001

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Jeans : the stuff of American history

Regine Van Damme
Puffin Books, 1995

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The Usborne internet-linked encyclopedia of world history

Jane Bingham,Fiona Chandler and Sam Taplin; designed by Susie McCaffrey...[et al]
Usborne, 2000

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The Modern World: themes in twentieth-century world history

Chris Jordan and Tim Wood
John Murray, 1989

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Nineteenth century European History 1815-1914

Alan Farmer
Hodder Education, 2005

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Modern European History 1890-1999

Alan Farmer
Hodder Education, 2000

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Advacned Level History India

K.C. Wong
Rockie, [n.d.]

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An advanced history of India

R.C. Majumdar, H.C. Raychaudhuri, Kalikinkar Datta
4th edition.. Macmillan, 1985

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An illustrated history of modern Europe 1789-1984

Denis Richards
7th edition.. Longman, c1977

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Answer book of history

Plantagenet Somerset Fry
Hamlyn, c1972

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Aspects of European History 1789-1980

Stephen J. Lee
University Paperbacks, [n.d.]

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Aspects of European history 1789-1980

Stephen J. Lee
Roulledge, [n.d.]

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Aspects of European history 1789-1980

Stephen J. Lee
Routledge, c1982

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British economic history

by D.C. Perkins
Celtic Revision Aids, 1984

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Certificate History (Teacher’s Guide)

Nelson Y.Y. Kan
Aristo, [n.d.]

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Certificate History 1815-1918

K.K. Hue
Golden Crown, [n.d.]

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Certificate History 1815-1918

K.K. Hue
Golden Crown, [n.d.]

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College